Cuckoobird live writing journal
Follow along as I write my next novel.
Is your job meaningful? And does it have to be?
On finding meaning inside and outside of your job.
A peek at my work setup
Wanna geek out about tech with me?
A cut-up poem for Ukraine
A small poem made from words cut out from the Saturday 26 February edition of the Guardian
(Don't) do all the things!
Can you be more productive by doing less?
Crafting your own apprenticeship
Some thoughts on midlife career switches and weaponizing your imposter syndrome
What work do we value?
If 2020 has taught us anything, it must surely be that JEEZ we need to pay care workers more
The Winter of Weird
Or, how I'm trying to wean myself off to-do lists.
Let's all make gifts!
Giving stuff away for free is the cure for hopelessness, and it's PUNK AS HELL.
Starting a small family business or side-hustle in 2020
Your step-by-step guide to helping your family start a small business in 2020.