Sam Beckbessinger: Creative Curiosity and Exploiting Unique Craziness | NIC HARALAMBOUS
In this episode, I chat with one of my closest friends and best-selling author Sam Beckbessinger about working through a lack of inspiration, harnessing unique personality flavours and why consistency is so crucial for output in a creative space. On a quest to find out “how to adult”, Sam writes by

Girls of Little Hope
If Judy Blume wrote Twin Peaks: Diane Awerbuck reviews ‘Girls of Little Hope’
A gut-wrenching tour of the museum of misery in small-town America.
Girls of Little Hope: Thrilling read lingers long after the last word
In ‘Girls of Little Hope’, Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen have written a compulsively page-turning, kickass feminist, emotionally deep and sometimes shockingly dark novel. While about and presumably aimed at teenagers, it can – and should! – be read by older adults too.

Girls of Little Hope – The British Fantasy Society

JACKET NOTES | In friendship, there’s hope
‘Girls of Little Hope’ by Dale Halvorsen and Sam Beckbessinger focuses on the relationship between three teenage girls in small-town America
Book Review: Girls of Little Hope
The premise seems familiar enough: three girls go into the woods, and only two return. But therewith ends the similarities between Girls of Little Hope (Sam Beckbessinger, Dale Halvorsen), and a do…

Koeler as ’n Nirvana-album | Netwerk24
1996. In Little Hope, Kalifornië, staan tyd stil, só voel dit vir Rae Hooper, Donna Ramirez en Kat Larkin.

#BookReview ‘Girls Of Little Hope’ by Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen - Book Reviews and Tours by Rachel Read it
About the book… A chilling and eerie tale of monsters, teen angst and small-town America for fans of Stranger Things, The Thing, and the 1990s Three girls went into the woods. Only two came back, covered in blood and with no memory of what happened. Or did they? Being fifteen is tough, tougher when…

Review: Girls of Little Hope by Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen | FanFiAddict
Three girls went into the woods. Only two came back, covered in blood and with absolutely no memory of what happened. Or Did they?

SA fiction is having a surge right now – here are 13 titles to take note of | Life
South African fiction publishing is having a surge at the moment. It began in April and May, possibly because the Franschhoek Literary Festival in mid-May acts as a catalyst here, but has continued into June.

Sam Beckbessinger & Dale Halvorsen: “Girls of Little Hope” (ARC Review)
YA reviews, books set in the ’90s, dark YA, coming of age and friendship

Girls of Little Hope (Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen) – Book Review
Hell is high school, right? Girls of Little Hope, the latest offering from both Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen, follows the aftermath of a mysterious incident in which three girls disappear i…

Book Review: Girls of Little Hope by Dale Halvorsen and Sam Beckbessinger – Pretty Little Memoirs – Award Winning YA Book Blog
girls of little hope – Fiendfully Reading
Posts about girls of little hope written by fiendfullyreading

Schizanthus Nerd
Read all of the posts by Schizanthus Nerd on Schizanthus Nerd
Review – Girls of Little Hope by Sam Beckbessinger & Dale Halvorsen
A nostalgic 90s coming-of-age horror that begins on a sinister note and swiftly moves into the realms of total terror, Girls of Little Hope is a gripping read. Engaging, considered and smart, it’s …
Girls of Little Hope by Dale Halvorsen & Sam Beckbessinger review
While 80s nostalgia is still alive and well, nostalgia for the 1990s is becoming more and more prevalent; especially in the horror genre. This brings us to Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen̵…

Girls of Little Hope by Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen Review
Hello fellow booklovers! Today I’m back with my review for Girls of Little Hope by Sam Beckbessinger and Dale Halvorsen. Have you ever read

Moving to the UK
‘Tabloid, tweed and terrible weather’ - a guide to moving to the UK
Sara-Jayne Makwala King chats to author Sam Beckbessinger about her new book, `Moving to the UK’. It’s been described as an `end-to-
end guide to moving from South Africa to the land of tabloid, tweed and terrible weather’.

JENNIFER PLATT | August getting you down? Then hide inside a three, head for the UK or just braai
There are a number of books come out that are sure to get you through this iffy month
Read: A guide to moving to the UK
‘Moving to the UK: A Concise Guide for South Africans’, by bestselling local author Sam Beckbessinger, is for every Saffa looking to make the move across the pond.

Trek na Brittanje: ‘Ek mis baie dinge van SA, maar . . .’ | Netwerk24
Om na ’n ander land te migreer kan in vele opsigte duur wees – materieel en andersins – maar dit kan die moeite werd wees, skryf Sam Beckbessinger.

Fabulous Reads: Perfect guide to immigration | Northglen News
Book review - Moving to the UK by Sam Beckbessinger

Survive the Century
"A novel way to make the big forces that shape our world manageable." - Gizmodo
"The writers infuse the game with a mix of absurdity and startling realism." - Grist
"Laden with smart quips, tragic and hilarious narrative forks, and cute illustrations, and with its lengthy list credits (including artists, scientists, and backers), it’s a lesson in what can be achieved through collaboration." - Input Mag
Interview: Sam Beckbessinger and Simon Nicholson of “Survive the Century”
Sam Beckbessinger and Simon Nicholson are two co-creators of the new video game, Survive the Century, a choose-your-own-adventure game about the climate crisis.

Vaccines & sinking cities
Gameplay involves a journey through forking paths of policy choice and consequent scenarios juiced up with hilarious, satirical and irreverent stories by four writers

‘Survive the Future’ Is a Simple Game Making Our Climate Choices Real
“You are the senior editor of the world’s most popular and trusted news organization. You have the enviable power to set the news agenda, and thereby shift the zeitgeist.” So reads the introductory text to Survive the Century. Also my dream bio, but I digress.

Futuristic computer game hopes to beat climate change anxiety
Survive the Century aims to use play to give users hope and a sense of agency about the planet’s future
Meet the team behind the climate game that lets you save the world — or watch it burn
Survive the Century maps out the multitude of possible futures under climate change.

This text-based game wants to shift your thinking about climate change
‘Survive the Century’ is a cute and hilarious choose-your-own-adventure game where your choices let you prevent, or expedite, a climate-change apocalypse.

Can You Survive the Century?
How should Covid-19 vaccines be funded? Should oil companies be allowed to buy advertising space in newspapers to argue that emission reduction efforts are rushed? These are the types of questions you’ll be confronted with in Survive the Century.

This gameplaying book takes the reader through possible climate futures all the way to 2100
Do our decisions matter? What could lead us out of the planetary crises we have created? ‘Survive the Century’, a book created from a video game offers answers.

Combining stories and science in book version of online cli-fi game ‘Survive the Century’
Using stories to illustrate real science, “Survive the Century” offers readers of all ages a sense of how much impact they have on the future.
- Fix the Planet, New Scientist’s Fix the Planet newsletter
- In this Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-Game, You Can Help Save the World – Or Watch it Burn, Grist
- The New Hot Theme in Gaming: Climate Change, FastCompany
- Climate Save or Climate Disaster? You Decide, Inside Climate News
- Futuristic “Survive the Century” Hopes to be Tonic for Climate Chance Anxiety, Times Live
- Experiencing Climate Change Anxiety? This Futuristic Computer Game Helps You Make Sustainable Choices, CNN News
- ‘Save the Century’: Playing For a Better World, The New Indian Express
- This Online Game Places the World’s Future in Your Hands, Optimist Daily
- How to Game the System, Ecologist
Manage Your Money Like a F-cking Grownup
How To Manage Your Money Like A Grownup | Edit | AllBright
“We often spend money to try to fix our emotional problems. Spoiler: it seldom works.” For Sam Beckbessinger, author of Manage Your Money Like a F-cking Gr…

Why You Should Read “Manage Your Money Like A F*cking Grownup”
There are two books I regularly see younger doctors carrying around, sneaking a chapter during a coffee break or between theatre cases. The first is When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, which…

Interview with Sam Beckbessinger | Bargain Books

Insider tips from local author on how teens should manage their money | Life
The ideas and habits you pick up about money when you’re in your teens will shape you forever.

Sam Beckbessinger’s fav ETFs - Just One Lap
This month Sam Beckbessinger tells us her fav ETF, and the criteria she’s currently using to guide her investment decisions

8 Questions with Sam Beckbessinger, Author of Manage Your Money Like a Grownup
Sam Beckbessinger, Author of Manage Your Money Like a Grown Up speaks about her new book and money advice she wishes she got as a teen.

Oh, grow up! Sam Beckbessinger’s adults-only guide to managing your money -
Sam Beckbessinger’s book is all the proof you need that managing your money doesn’t need to be a chore, and that it’s never late to make your money grow up too.

Don’t put all your trust in a Financial Advisor with Sam Beckbessinger | Woman & Finance
I am so thrilled about this podcast because I got to interview my personal finance girl crush! My guest is Sam Beckbessinger, an entrepreneur and best-selling author of the book Manage Your Money like a Fucking Grown Up! Our conversation focuses on 3 key areas: Why you shouldn’t fully…

You’re a f*cking grownup. Manage your money like one
Sam Beckbessinger on her book “Manage Your Money like a F*cking Grownup: The Best Money Advice You Never Got”.

Money mistakes cause vicious debt cycle
People earning up to R20 000 spend 60% of their salaries paying off arrears, a recent report reveals

‘My first memory of money was my mom crying about it’
Personal finance author Sam Beckbessinger opens up about her attitude to money (hopes and fears, successes and failures, etc.).

Watch: Sam Beckbessinger discusses Manage Your Money Like a F*cking Grownup on the Anne Hirsch Show
We never get an instruction manual about how money works. We never have to pass a test to get our Money License before we can take a new credit card for a drive. Most of what we learn about money comes from advertising or from other people who know as little as we do. No wonder we make such basic mi…

Interview: Sam Beckbessinger on managing your money - TechCentral
The Best in Tech host Regardt van der Berg chats to author Sam Beckbessinger about managing money, how to avoid debt and why you should think twice about buying that shiny new gadget.