The money dashboard

Looking for the all-in-one mega-super awesome dashboard for managing your money? Here it is!

Find the money dashboard on Google Sheets

You’ll have to start off by making a copy for yourself, so that you can edit the data.

The all-in-one dashboard includes handy calculators, a monthly spending tracker, and more.

Teen version

A simpler money mission control sheet designed for younger readers.

Find the money mission control dashboard on Google Sheets

German version

Deutsche Leser, eine wundervolle Person namens Marcel hat eine deutsche Version des Geld-Dashboards nur für Sie erstellt. Sie finden es hier. Ich hoffe ich kann dich bald wieder in Berlin besuchen!

Das Geld-Dashboard auf Deutsch

Excel version

Prefer to do things old-school with Microsoft Excel?

Download the Excel version

How-to video

Struggling to figure out how the Money Dashboard works? This video might help: